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Guidelines for Use of “Venue Code”and“Digital Sentinel”


I. Guidelines for use of “venue code”

Upon entry into public venues and residential compounds, citizens should use the “scan” function of the Suishenban app or mini-program or that of WeChat or Alipay to scan the “venue code”.


Method 1: Use the “scan” function of the Suishenban app or its WeChat or Alipay mini-program.




Method 2: Use the “scan” function of WeChat or Alipay.



After the “venue code” is scanned, personal health status will be verified automatically and relevant information registered by the system. The health code (suishenma) color, the name and address of the venue, as well as the sampling time and result of the person’s latest NAT will then be displayed on his/her smart phone screen. Voice broadcast function is also available.


II. Guidelines for use of “digital sentinel”

“Digital sentinel” is an all-in-one health status verification device developed in accordance with epidemic prevention and control requirements. It has handheld, floor, channel, wall-mounted and desktop models, and is suitable for densely populated venues requiring high traffic efficiency. When citizens have their health code scanned or physical ID card read by a “digital sentinel”, personal health status verification and information registration will be completed automatically.

Step 1: Access your health code (suishenma) through the Suishenban app or its WeChat or Alipay mini-program, or present your physical ID card.




Step 2: Have your health code scanned or your physical ID card read by a “digital sentinel”.



Step 3: After scanning the health code or reading the ID card, the “digital sentinel” obtains real time data from the backend system to verify the person’s health status. The result will be displayed on the screen with voice reminders.


About “digital sentinel” devices:

The layout of scan/read zones may vary for different brands or models of devices;

The layout of screen display or the content of voice reminders may vary for different brands or models of devices;

Some old devices may not be able to read ID cards.

III. How compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as foreign nationals access their health code

To use “venue code” and “digital sentinel”, the Suishenban app and suishenma (health code) are needed. Compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreign nationals are advised to complete health code registration and authentication in advance.

Real name registration methods for compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: 1) The Suishenban app and its Alipay mini-program allow real name authentication for compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; 2) The WeChat mini-program of Suishenban allows real name authentication for compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao.

Face ID authentication is not supported for foreign nationals due to lack of source data for verification. The two real name registration methods include: 1) Submit the passport of the applicant and file an application for authentication through the Suishenban app. After the back office staff complete the review process in one working day, the health code is available for use; 2) Foreign nationals can add their Chinese bank card to the Suishenban Alipay mini-program on the phone for real name authentication.